Discoveries in Safety


UL Research Institutes is a leading independent safety science organization with global reach. We sense and act on risks to public safety with bold hypotheses and objective investigations.


Our researchers explore both the benefits and risks of today’s technologies and pursue answers to socially relevant questions related to public safety. We take a multidisciplinary approach that engages the ingenuity of top minds across scientific disciplines to engineer a safer and more sustainable world — one in which every individual can thrive.


Since 1894, our research has diligently identified risks to humanity and our planet and countered them with science-based knowledge designed to benefit people everywhere. Today, we are hard at work discovering how safety science can help solve the increasingly urgent problems of the 21st century. We are guided by our commitment to addressing three of the world’s grand challenges: building resilience for a sustainable future; advancing individual and societal health in the 21st century; and promoting safety at the human-digital interface.


In collaboration with a best-in-class, international network of scientists and safety professionals, we define the safe and sustainable use of things from legacy materials and devices to new and emerging technologies. We strengthen the impact of our findings by disseminating them widely to other researchers and institutions around the world.


Backed by our commitment to open science, our groundbreaking research proceeds in parallel with the transformative commercial work of UL Solutions and helps inform the public safety standards and policies developed by UL Standards & Engagement. Together, we are all advancing safety science for the greater good.


UL Research Institutes continues to set the agenda for safety science as the world rises to meet global challenges like climate change and increasing digitization. Driven by our dedication to scientific discovery and our mission to build a safer world, we will remain one step ahead, ready to explore whatever appears on the next horizon.


Leadership Team

Board of Trustees

James P. Dollive

James P. Dollive

Former Executive VP and CFO

The Schwan Food Co.

Philip S. Khoury

Philip S. Khoury

Vice Provost and Ford International Professor of History

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Richard P. Owen

Richard P. Owen

Former Senior Electrical Inspector

City of St. Paul, Minnesota

Darryll Pines

Darryll Pines

President and Glenn L. Martin Professor Aerospace Engineering

University of Maryland

Mark A. Schmid

Mark A. Schmid

Former Vice President and Chief Investment Officer

University of Chicago

James M. Shannon

James M. Shannon

Past President

International Electrotechnical Commission

Elisabeth Tørstad

Elisabeth Tørstad


Asplan Viak AS